Strategy Development Policy Course Information For Submission Of Application Based Sms Gateway To High School Teacher Training And Education (Stkip Pgri Pacitan)

  • 18 Mar
  • 2020

Strategy Development Policy Course Information For Submission Of Application Based Sms Gateway To High School Teacher Training And Education (Stkip Pgri Pacitan)

In STKIP PGRI PACITAN still in the process of lecture information on paste on the notice board. To be able to view information lecturing students sometimes make a long queue waiting to get that information. To facilitate students in getting the campus information system invented sms based information that can be accessed from anywhere 24 hours. This system aims to produce applicationBased Information Systems course and SMS Gateway Makes it easy for students to view course information. The method used in this research are methods Library, observations, interviews, data analysis, system design, programming, testing and implementation program. Results from this study is the existence of information systems based SMS Gateway is the BAAK STKIP PGRI PACITAN easier in the delivery of information to students. Based on the opinion of 30 respondents with a variety of questions covering the quality of textbased systems, the ability of the system to help get the information, the ease and speed of processbased Information Systems sms gateway that generated an average of 85% - 90% of respondents are very appreciate for SMS Based Information System Gateway




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