Comparison of Job Position Based Promotion Using: VIKOR, ELECTRE And Promethee Method

  • 07 Aug
  • 2019

Comparison of Job Position Based Promotion Using: VIKOR, ELECTRE And Promethee Method

The long-term prospect of the company's progress is determined by the quality of human resources (HR), The urgency to maintain the company's survival it takes a reliable and futuristic leader. Measuring tool that can be used is none other than the performance of human resources. Of course with potential leaders will provide the vision of the company's mission to grow and expand. Leadership selection process can be done with promotion positions based on performance preference. The purpose of this research is to conduct selection of performance promotion based on performance using Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) selection methods such as Analytic Hiererachy Process (AHP), VIKOR, ELECTRE, and Promethee, in addition to proving the result of a number of methods based on MCDM such as AHP for the determination of preferences data design, while for data analysis using three methods that will be compared the results of VIKOR, ELECTREE and Promethee. The measurable performance bases for promotional positions are viewed from Intelegency (IG), Planning (PL), Depandebility (DP), Reaction Behavior (RB), Failed Jobs (FJ), Quantity of Work (QW), and Knowledge of Job (KJ). The results obtained provide an interpretation that the promethee method is closer to the actual results, while the vikor method is almost close to the results of truth and far away when compared with the electre method. Thus, it can be concluded that the best method for placing employee positions is promethee method.


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