Membangun Manajemen Kerja Untuk Mencapai Tujuan Organisasi Berbasis Office Automation System

  • 24 Apr
  • 2019

Membangun Manajemen Kerja Untuk Mencapai Tujuan Organisasi Berbasis Office Automation System

The importance value of information within an organization especially in the office, giving to the organization claims to be able to process with help of technology that is automatic. The concept should be applied to organize the information is to use office automation systems that can support the receipt, processing, distribution, and storage of all forms of information. Office automation can run well, certainly with the support of computer technology capable of processing data and information very large. This is certainly supported by reliable human resources, and support both hardware and software. Office automation is a system that strongly supports the distribution of information, both required by the organization's especialy to internal organization and external organization, in essence, an office automation system is a system capable of supporting and managing all of office activities to be carried out easily and more quickly to information needs gradually, especially within organizations such as offices. Many companies are able to thrive in their organizations because management activities are supported by office automation system. In fact, its use in organization of office automation systems have strengths and weaknesses, but much more beneficial than not using it.




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