Perubahan Sosial dan Budaya Akibat Media Sosial

  • 22 Apr
  • 2019

Perubahan Sosial dan Budaya Akibat Media Sosial

Socio-cultural  changes  include  changes  in  the  functionof  culture  and  human  behavior  in society from a certain state to another state. This implies that the changes include the social and cultural changes,  occurring  in  the  community,  as  well  as  generating  new  situation  for  humans.  Culture  must  be understood  according  to  the  following  three  layers:  the  technology  is  the  lowest  layer,  middle  layer sociological,  philosophical  highest  layer.  Another  impact  is  the  emergence  of  a  culture  of  sharing redundant  and  self-disclosure  (self  diselosure)  in  cyberspace.  This culture  emerged  and  terdeterminasi one of them because of the presence of social media in a device that allows anyone to upload anything. It is  a  culture  which  gives  akhrinya  sowing  the  boundaries  between  private  space  and  public  space.The  consequences  oftheir online  media  and  the proliferation  of social  media  users. Social  media  is  not only  placed  in  the  context  of  the  channel  or  medium,  but  social  media  is  already  the  lifestyle  of  the relationship between users and technology.
